Expository Essay #1 Topics



Please peruse and select one of the topics below for your first Expository Essay due 9/30. We will cover thesis statements (controlling idea), organizational patterns and syntax/diction in class. Please come to class on 9/26 knowing which topic that you want to explore through writing. 



mail Mobile phones are both a boon and a bane for high school students. On the one hand, it puts you in touch with the world, on the other, it discourages real face-to-face interaction. Write a paper that explores both the pros and cons of mobile phone usage among teenagers.

mail A lot of medical research today focuses on developing medicinal cures to aging. Presumably, with the right breakthrough, humankind would live forever. How do you feel about this? Write a paper describing the advantages and disadvantages of extremely long life.

mail You use the internet on an everyday basis. While the internet has a huge list of benefits, it has some downsides too. Write an essay exploring the disadvantages of using the internet, specifically referring to internet addiction, and information overload.

mail A few members of your community have lost their home due to a nearby forest fire. Explain how you would help these community members and help them recover from their loss.

mail In order to survive, people have been known to go to great lengths and to do things they would not ordinarily do. Write an essay for your teacher that explains the lengths to which people will go in order to survive. You may use examples from real life, books, movies, or television shows to support your essay.